Most links allow you to send sales, purchases and inventory adjustment transactions from your POS accounting software to the accounting software. Keep in mind, most interfaces require you to trigger them manually or they run during the end of day process. Some POS accounting software systems offer more advanced links that update information in real-time, but they all work different. Here are the different types of links that I have seen: General Ledger Only Interface - Some POS accounting software systems will only interface to the general ledger. This means you have to update your accounts payable manually, which isn't big deal, since there's not much information to post. However, it does take a little extra time and it's prone to human error. General Ledger and Accounts Payable Interface - This allows you to send information to both modules so you save a little time and more importantly, you reduce errors. Don't forget that your accounts payable tran... is a Singapore based company selling a diverse and extensive range of accounting software. We provide simple, customised and IRAS-compliant solutions that cover the fields of accounting, inventory management, payroll, point of sales (POS), fixed asset and ERP packages. Our most popular brands are respected across the globe, including MYOB, EZ, Accpac, Quickbooks and UBS. Hurry! Avail Free Demo Online! Call Us! for Free Accounting Software!