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Accounting Software- Inventory Software

With more than a decade in the Accounting software industry, we are able to offer an exhaustive range of top-of-the-line, cutting edge inventory software in Singapore. Inventory software is used for many corporate purposes like accounting, sales, purchasing, reporting and inventory-taking.

We offer only accounting Software’s from the best brands like Accpac, EZ, Quickbooks, UBS and MYOB, all established and renowned names in the industry. As such, when you shop with us, you are guaranteed the highest quality product that is simple, effective and yet detailed enough to meet your every accounting need.
With our accounting software, you are able to streamline your business, allowing you to maximise profit and lower operating costs. With our accounting Softwares’ you will ability to keep track of details as well as be able to keep-up-to date on all your expenditure and spending, allowing you to manage your enterprise’s finances prudently.

Features of our software include:
  • Sales Journal
  • Purchase Journal
  • Petty Cash Input
  • Cash Sales Journal
  • Sales Receipt
  • Purchase Receipt
  • General Journal
  • Credit Note Input
  • Debit Note Input
  • Opening Balance Input
  • Aging Distrubuting Opening Brought Foward
  • Project Alocation At Transcation Input(e.g sales / purchase / expense / Bank)
  • Basic Budget Account Input
  • Sales (Features):
  • Customer Order (reservation of items)
  • Delivery Order
  • Invoice
  • Credit Note
  • Debit Note
  • Cash Sales
  • Bill Payment Receive From Cilents
  • Sales Return Order
  • Discount Input At Payment Receipt (E.g Auto Issue Of Credit Note)
  • Assigning of Multiple Price List To Customers
  • Purchase (Features):
  • Purchase Order
  • Purchase Invoice
  • Debit Note
  • Credit Note
  • Purchase Return
  • Payment Voucher
  • Assigning of Multiple Price List To Suppliers
  • Inventory (Features):
  • Location Transfer Of Stocks
  • Stock Adjustment
  • Project Inventory
  • Minimum Stock Level
  • Minimum Price Level
  • Excess In Stock Level
  • Opening Stock Figure
  • Assign Price To Cilent / Supplier
  • Multi Price Level Of Stocks
  • Bill Of Material
  • Allocation Of Multiple Sizes of Items (E.g. Clothes of multiple sizes/grades)
  • Serial Number Stock Input
  • Batch Code Stock Input
  • Expiry Date of Stock Alocation
  • Issue Note For Spoilt Or Missing Items
  • Stock Location Transfer
  • Consignment Note
  • Ledger Listing
  • Bank Details Payment In / Out Reporting
  • Detail Journal Listing
  • Opening Balance Reporting
  • Bank Book Reporting
  • Petty Cash Reporting
  • Bank Reconciliation Statment And Knock Off
  • Sub Ledger Reporting
  • Sub And Main Account P/L And Financial Reporting
  • Trial Balance
  • GST Form 5 Reporting
  • Detailed Break Down Reporting From GST Report
  • Detailed Break Down Reporting From Financial Reporting
  • Profit Margin Reporting Againist Costing Method
  • Profit Margin Reporting By Products / Invoice
  • Project Costing Basic Report
Balance Sheet
  • Balance Sheet In 12 Months
  • Trading And Profit And Loss Report
  • Trading And Profit And Loss Report In 12 Moths
  • Budget And Varience Report In Figure And %
  • Statement Of Account
  • Listing Of Outstanding Bills With Detailed Break Down Of Dates
  • Due Due Analaysis
  • Ageing Analaysis
  • Over Due Reporting Ageing
  • Due Summary
  • Stock Valutation Reporting
  • Closing Stock Analayis
  • Stock Card Report
  • Stock Ageing Report
  • Stock Ledger
  • Stock Detail Movement
  • Top Stock Movment
  • Poor Stock Movement
  • Multi Stock Movement Level
  • Chart Analaysis Of Report
  • All Reports can be Exported to Multiple Formats (Pdf and Xls)
  • Reorder Advice Of Stock
  • Powerful Stock Query Reporting
  • Reserve Stock Verus Balance Stock
  • Detail Sales Analysis Report
  • Sales Man Reporting
  • Location Stock Reporting
  • Project Stock Reporting
  • Comparative Analaysis
  • Transcation Stock Analaysis
  • Multiple Pricing Of Stock Reports From Multiple Suppliers / Customers
  • Analysis Of Price Level From Multiple Suppliers / Customers
  • Back Order / Oustanding stock Due To Deliver Or Receive From Customer / Supplier
  • Issue Note Reporting For Missing Or Spoilt Items
  • Back-up Function
  • Restore Function
  • Auto Back-up Feature
  • Multi Level Security
  • Data Management – Lock/Unlock Databases
  • Password Setting
  • All Reports can be Exported to Multiple Formats (Pdf and Xls)
For more Details
Please Visit


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